Senior Communication Expert & spokesperson

Global Recruitmentgroup is always in motion. As the leading postman in Belgium and an international provider of land and e-commerce logistics, we create powerful connections between thousands of people, companies, and communities. Our staff of ⚠,⚠ employees is what we have to protect this narrative. Through them, we still have a significant role in the rapidly evolving society. We create a climate with difficult projects, inspiring partnerships, and cutting-edge technology, with numerous interesting jobs and training options for everyone.

Your Purpose As The Communications Expert:

As the Communications Expert, you will collaborate with the CEO of Corporate Communication on the realization of External Communications projects at the corporate level. Additionally, you will take part in the translation of corporate communications initiatives to the business in order to contribute to the implementation of a successful communication strategy.

As Sr. Communication Expert at Global Recruitment, you are responsible for:

  • Recapturing the essence of a statement
  • Asking the appropriate questions
  • Composing the approach to specific Communications projects
  • Providing advice on the approach and practicality of the Communications strategy

You function as a spokesperson for Global Recruitment and Global Recruitmentgroup, primarily for the Flemish speaking media, but also as a backup for the French speaking media. You will also serve as the contact person for requests regarding the press, in connection with the Global Recruitment subsidiaries.

To be successful in this position, you will need:

  • At least ⚠-⚠ years of experience in the relevant environment
  • Curiosity and a passion for communication and teamwork
  • Strong analytical and creative abilities
  • A sense of autonomy and ownership over your role
  • Knowledge of and experience in communication regarding crises
  • Familiarity with (online) tools for communication

You must also know the Belgian media landscape and understand that a press release is not the sole means of disseminating information. Thinking outside of the box and taking initiative is always a move.

Similar to other companies, we provide a monthly salary plus a variety of benefits, including:

    Meal cards Company car Global Recruitment insurance Disability insurance ⚠ days of leave and ⚠ extra days of leave End-of-year bonus Double payment for holidays

We also offer many benefits from over ⚠ partners.


Senior Communication Expert & spokesperson

Van 14 augustus 2024 tot 13 oktober 2024

Creatieve beroepen
21 EUR
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